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2020, 14 January

Well, here it is 10 days later…Anyway, I spent a good deal of last year producing some new paintings; but especially doing a good amount of pastel paintings. In China, they tend to call them ‘toner paintings’. Which makes sense because soft pastels are basically colored dust or toner help together with a binder. They are already catalogued in the main website. So, if you wish to see some of these, check ’em out. Many are florals, scenes from China and some scenes from our trip to Europe this past Autumn. Chronologically, the journey started in extreme northern Sweden! In the city of Luleå. We were about an hours drive from the Arctic Circle near Swedish Lapland. The adventure ended up on the extreme southern shores of Portugal. So to say the least, a difficult trip to pack clothing for…!!! The first photo is of Luleå harbor and the 4 icebreakers used to keep the harbor functional during winter. They can clear ice as thick as 2 meters! That’s about 6′!!! Can’t imagine!!! Anyway, enjoy…

Stay Tuned….Still more to come…